Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Settling in

I am trying to settle in here in AZ. Just signed up for some advertising. so I should be getting Hugs from Hannah back up pretty soon
hope to be hearing some barks and purrs soon!!


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Up and Running

I am finally settled and ready to begin petsitting here in Glendale AZ..!
I miss all my old friends and clients back in Texas, but I am here for a fresh start and to make new friends and meet new clients!!


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

going offline til after my Move

My movers are going to be here tomorrow. I will be unable to post. I will be in a motel until I leave for AZ on Sunday. No computer..

I will leave handwritten visit notes for Sam and Charlie (as I have been doing with Charlie)

I will be back online next week when I have my internet in Arizona

Thank you

Sam 5/13/08

Came to see Sam around 9:30 papers in. Mail in. Replenished fountain. Fed Sam . Cleaned Sams litter box. Watered all plants outside..
Came in and played with sam awhile he lost interest real quick LOL
did a house walk to see if there were any spots none to see today :)
sam is doing just fine :)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Sam 5/12/08

Came to see Sam at 10am this morning. Papers in... Fed Sam and changed his water.. Cleaned his cat box.. Walked the house for an "spots", there were none... Little Sam just followed me allover! hes such a sweet baby..
I sat in the black leather chair and Sam came up and sat on the arma nd gave me some kisses and got some lovin and then went on his way...LOL
I stuck around a few more minutes to keep him company... just talked to him and let him know I was there...
good boy
be back in the morning!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sam 5/11/08

Saw Sam this morning... Fed him . Changed water. Cleaned kitty box... Got note..
I will freshen his fountain tomorrow.
I got some lovin in , but Sam didn't feel much like playin with me today.. He did a lot of furniture nuzzling!
I sat of the floor and kept him company for a bit...
Maybe tomorrow he will feel a little more sociable :)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Hi all
I am moving to Arizona . I am leaving on May 18th..
It was a pleasure to be of service to everyone and their furbabies and I will miss everyone.
if you need me before the 18th please feel free to call me


Sunday, April 20, 2008

Millie and the kitties

I have been to see Millie I have just haven't been feeling good so I haven't been posting everything is great

Friday, April 18, 2008

Jayden and Riley 4/18/08

Saw the boys around 12:20 today.. A couple small puddles on the floor cleaned that up and let them out... sweet babies did their Poops right away GOOD POOPS!! LOL gave them a treat
they had a good day, ran around the yard and played a lot...
we spent most of the time outside today... I forgot my camera so I didn't get any pictures... I just let them do their thing...
brought them in and almost gave them lunch!! then rememebered we weren't doing lunch..
gave them another treat. Played a little in the pen...
gave them fresh water....
one more little treat before I left can't resist those eyes LOL

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Jayden and Riley Pics 4/17/08

Jayden and Riley 4/17/08

Came to see the kids about 12 today.. Very happy to see me.. My husband was off work today and wanted to see the pups , so I brought him along too..
There was a little puddle and a couple little poops. Cleaned that up and cleaned it with the canned cleaner.. replaced one pad.
Took the boys out. Very windy today.. My husbands wind pants were making a lot of noise and scared Jayden! LOL both did their "potty" 2x right away "good potty" !!! LOL
Found out Jayden likes ROCKS!! Riley attempted an escape but came runnin back as soon as I called him...what a lover!! anything for kisses and hugs!
we played outside and had a treat...
Riley headed for the door, I think the wind was starting to get to them...
we came in and they had their lunch and had fresh water.. Gobbled it up right away!!
we played a little and my husbnad took some awesome pics of me and the boys!!
we then went back out and the boys ran and played and wrestled and tried to eat rocks (well, jayden did, Riley just followed him). so I distracted them to the other side of the yard..
I love it when Jayden does something he knows he is NOT sippose to do and looks at me like " I am NOT doing anything" LOL just like a kid! LOL
They were great... tried to keep them out long enough to get some poops out of them but they were too busy playing...
So anyway.. Jayden wouldn't give up that I gave him a treat and out came the rock :)
bribery works all the time
I will be back to see the babies tomorrow :)
new pics posted (as usual can't get enough of these boys)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Jayden and Riley 4/16/08 PICS

Jayden and Riley 4/16/08

Boys were great today. Made it there around 12:30. No messes on the floor. made it all on the peepads (i put the soiled ones up on the hamper upstairs) I replaced the dirty ones with the clean ones on the table and put the only poop in the bin outside.
Before I forget... You may want to stop using the 409 around the dogs... its toxic to domestic animals... try Simple Green buy it in concentrate then it lasts forever.. I use it at home and used it in grooming... non toxic safe around pets and kids.
anyway.. boys were geat went outside and peed (good potty!!!!)...very windy thought they were going to blow away!! they gave me lots of kisses!!!
we played a little outside and in... Riley decided to try to leave the yard again.. Called him back and told him NO... I took my eyes off him one second to watch what Jayden was doing Riley is quick... Jayden like the gutter on the other side of the yard seems he thinks he shouldn't be over there because he looks all guilty if I call him to me! LOL
brought them in and gave them a treat, then played some more...
Gave them lunch and fresh water... They ate and were even more energetic and loving!! :)
took them back out for awhile, hoping to get some pottying out of them... No luck.. They wrestled and played... took some pics... really windy... brought them in.
played a little in the pen...gave them their rope toys...I guess I taste better though :)
Had to go.. hate leaving them and they know when I am getting ready to go ... they start getting excited and start crying... real dread leaving them :(
be back tomorrow
pics on next post!! :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Jayden and Riley Pics 4/15/08

Jayden and Riley 4/15/08

My boys!!! I missed them!! Got there around 12:38 today.. Had a few messes a couple puddles and some poops... Let them out . They pottied right away (good potty!!!!)..cleaned up the messes.
Gave them some fresh water
We went out and played for a long time... These boys are full of energy today!! I got lots of lovin and they got lots of exercise today!!

Riley made a break for it and got out of the iron gate called him in and he came right to me I told him "NO!"... Jayden is fascinated with the dirt and rock by your a/c unit on the side of the house...
They did a lot of runnin and wrestling around today.. When they would stop and see me watching them, they would stop everything and run to me! awwwwww
gave them a treat and they took it outside...Riley was working on his, Jayden came and took the part he hadn't eaten yet :(
Thought it may be time for their lunch ready and and they were right on it!!
then I took them back outside for awhile and they were back to runnin and playing!!!
I stayed about 45 minutes today.. Missed those little guys!!
Everything is good! I will be back tomorrow
pics on next post :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Jayden and Riley Pics 4/9/08

Jayden and Riley 4/9/08

The boys were happy to see me jumping allover the place to get to me when I arrived!! they are too sweet!! had a couple little puddle (cleaned it with 409 and put wet paper towels in plastic bag and into the trash).
We went outside and ran around a little bit . Both pups pottied, gaver them praise and told them good potty... Back in the house gave them a treat and then we played in the living room a bit.. They managed to get into everything!! cat toys, cat house, cat crate, tried to get to the bag of chips etc!! LOL
took them back outside and Jayden pooped!! Good boy!! Good Poop!!! LOL
Riley walked around a bit didn't poop they had a long staring contest though!! :)
both wanted in... Brought them in and wiped off their bellies and paws with the pup wipes and fed them and have them fresh water...
Wet peepad is on top of the garbage can.
they are doing great. sat for me when I asked VERY Smart babies!!!!
I hated to leave them today they both just watched me go then when they heard me punch in the alarm code they started crying... about broke my heart.... I will miss them :(
be back Tuesday :)

Pics posted on next post

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Jayden and Riley pics 4/08/08

Jayden and Riley 4/8/08

The boys are just doing great!! no messes today!! I got there a little after 12. Let them out and they tinkled right away GOOD POTTY!!! LOL
played outside a bit then came in a few minutes and played in the living room.. Too nice out to stay inside so I packed them up and grabbed their yellow balls and took them back out
Jayden loved to chase the ball and bring it back.. Riley just didn't seem to care he followed Jayden! then would wrestled him a bit! I have pics of Jayden bringing back the ball!! SO SMART!! we ran allover the yard and got belly rubs and a treat!! happy puppies!!!!! so happy to see me and I got kisses all the time I was there!!
then the boys POOPED in unison!! on either side of the yard!!! LOL Jayden first! actually I told him good poop!!! and got it with the pooper scooper good poop good boy!! felt like the pep squad!! LOL then Riley went same cheer for him!!
good boys!!!
we played a little more then into the house for lunch!!!
they must have been hungry they were vocal about seeing me make their food (with yogurt and holistic sprinkle :) ) and fresh water.. I gave them fresh water outside when we were playing outside
gave them a treat inside too
they are so smart and good boys!!!
be back tomorrow!!! I think I forgot the check on the table! LOL
I will get it tomorrow!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Jayden and Riley Pics 4/7/08

Jayden and Riley 04/07/08

Came to see the boys at 12 today. They were really excited to see me and I was them!!!
There was a puddle on the floor and 2 poops... I got them outside to potty and used the word :)
Riley went (only peed) Jayden was way to excited to go...
Cleaned up puddle and used the 409. Cleaned up the poop and used 409 on that . Nothing on pee pads.. :)
We played outside a bit. Then I brought them in to give them their lunch and fresh water.
I gave them 1/2 a cup of food with the organic powder and a spoon of yogurt in each bowl and fresh water... they ate a little bit but having me there was a big distraction... they picked at the food but play was the main agenda!!
Back outside to play and do some belly rubbin!!! we had a good time!! took some pictures
I got loved to death... loved every second of it!!
they are goood boys Riley seems to really be understanding commands..
Cat came out, hissed at the boys and left :)

Gave them a old mother hubbard treat and a mint treat and gave them a little more head rubbin before I left! be back tomorrow! pics on separate post!!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Introducing!!!! Jayden and Riley!!!

Jayden and Riley are part of the family now. They are brothers. 12 weeks old. It will be fun to watch them grow up together... they are the furkids of Jennifer and Caleb. I am honored to be asked to care for these beautiful Cav pups while Mom and Dad are at work :)

Friday, April 4, 2008

Daisy to Groomer

Picked up Daisy around 8:45 got her to see Jan at Petco at 9am... Hopefully we will get her home early :)
she did well on thwey ride just look out the sun roof and watching me.. I rubbed her back and neck and ears all the way there.. I think she was enjoying it...kept tilting her head back for more :)

waiting for Jan to call me... leaving soon to go to other petsit hopefully jan will call while I am already in Mansfield...Maybe I should go bug her LOL
will be seeing ther girls soon :)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Charlie Zini 4/03/08

Charlie was sleeping on the rug right next to the bed today... sweet baby... he got up and he and I went for our walk.. he urinated about 5x and BM'ed 2x.. Start was solid then became very soft.
we got home, wiped his butt and belly... and Charlie headed for the mat for lovin!! he rolled around while I rubbed his belly and ears!!! then he started licking his feet!! he did that awhile then he willingly went into the bedroom like he knows the routine.. timing and all .... weird.. he started eating a treat and I gave hima little more lovin and went on my way!!
be back tomorrow!!

Autrey Girls 4/03/08

Girls were just great as usual today... Tails waggin and lovin me allover!! we did laptime on the fireplace today to stay off the couch :) everyone got a turn and we spent a lot of time outside because its nice out... too many sights and sounds to be locked up they did their business and had thewir cookies and we all had our good time... went out again after laptime just to make sure everyone finished their thing!
I will be back in the morning to get Daisy for her "hair appointment"
and then back for the girls visit and hopefully bring daisy back with me :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Charlie Zini 4/1/08

Charlie was In a good moood yesterday... He was sleeping on the little rug in the bedroom. He woke up and we went on our walk.. He did a lot of urinating. I didn't think he was going to BM but e did, right in front of the house.. Good boy!!
We came in and he had some water. I wiped him off (he hates getting his butt wiped LOL)
then we went to the matt and I rubbed his belly and his head and ears he likes that!!!
he then started grooming himself and I just took some pictures and let him do his thing....
when it was time to leave I lured him to the bedroom with a treat and gave hima little more lovin and he ate his treat..... sweet baby
noticed a little spasm in his rear left leg today probably the weather poor kid :(
be back Thursday and Friday

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Thompson Pets 3/30/08 PM Final Visit

Came to visit the kids at 6:30..
Changed water bowls for Roxy and Sunny... Roxy srated with Hi Roxy and Pretty Girl as soon as I walked in too sweet! Sunny came out and let me top his food bowls but he started click and tried to nip me :( from his cage ... so I just went on to Roxy and topped her food and then went outside .
Brought out a milkbone and a chewy treat for Raven and Hercules. Gave them a little food and gave them fresh water. tried to play with them , but they were way to happy with their rawhides.
Came back in and Sunny was in the cage, but then came out... Asked him to step up and he did and nipped me again :( asked him why he was being mean to me LOL
so I told him it was time for bed and put him in hs cage and put him to bed...
Talked to Roxy a couple minutes and then put her to bed too!

I left your papers that you signed and Dr Dittrich's card. I also left the shed-ender and a brush for the pups. I bought the brush and never used it, it was too big for the dogs I groomed. So you can have it :)

Talk to you Tomorrow

Thompson Pets roxy and sunny pics

Thompson Pets 3/30/08 AM

Arrived around 7 this morning... Sunny gave me a hard time getting out of his cage LOL... Finally after I had changed the water on his cage and changed the water and food on Roxy's cage and changed Roxys food and went out to feed raven and Hercules and came back in , Sunny finally let me let him step up to get him out to get his food bowls out! LOL
Sunny was a darling today didn't try to nip at me and he stayed on my hand a little bit! I got a couple nice pictures of that!
Roxy was talking up a storm!! Hi Roxy and pretty girl and told me Byebye!! I was having a lot of fun with them today!!
Raven and Hercules were fed and given fresh water and a milk bone and a chewy treat.
I really enjoy your birds though.. I find myself staying longer to talk with them and spend a little extra time getting to know them...
They are quite extraordinary little characters!! I am enjoying this like you wouldn't believe and I hope that you will call on me again if you ever need to go out of town again!!
I will be back this evening to put them to bed!!
Pics will be posted on separate post :)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Thompson Pets 3/29/08 PM

Arrived to the house at 6:30. Talked to Sunny and Roxy a bit.. Changed the water in all bowl for them. Topped food bowls.. Sunny came out for a bit while I did all of that...
I went out and gave Raven and Hercules fresh water and a little food and rawhide bones. When I came back in Sunny was already back in his cage..
talked to them a couple more minutes and then I covered them up for the evening.. Told them goodnight!!
Dropped off Dr Dittrichs Business card.. Mail is in. Blinds are closed

Thompson Pets Pics 3/29/08

Thompson Pets 3/29/08 AM

Sunny was up and ready to be uncovered thios morning!! I uncovered both Sunny and Roxy and gave them fresh water and gave Sunny fresh food. I asked Sunny to step up and he came out and stepped onto my hand, started nippin at my finger so on top of the cage i put him!! LOL I changed only one full bowl, he seemed to have eaten most of the seed out of the other seemed to be half eaten do I dumped half of it and topped it off (as instructed with Life and the seed mixes). Roxy was a good girl, I topped her food off and gave her some life and some fruit and some seed (as instucted).
went out to see Raven and Hercules.. Fed them and gave them a chewies treat and fresh water.. Good babies they were eating right away...
Came back in and talked to Sunny and Roxy a bit! sweet kids! :)
Took some pictures.. I think Roxy is camera shy :)
When I put Sunny back in his cage and said god bye Roxy said byebye to me!!! I was so excited it was so cute!! She said Byebye to me til I shut the door!! awwwww
I spoke with Dr Dittrich's office and it turns out he is excellent with Birds.. So I will leave his card with you!!
I am loving watching your birds!! I thank you for contacting me!! I will be back tonight!
I will post pictures on a separate post

Friday, March 28, 2008

Thompson Pets 3/28/08 PM

Came to see the kids at 6:30. I could hear Sunny from outside!!! Brought in the mail and came in.. Sunny was talking up a storm!!
Changed water bowls for everyone first. Then I tried to get Sunny's food bowl with him in the cage...Nope. he didn't like that idea. So, I let him out and he hopped on top of the cage while I topped his food bowls. Then I topped Roxy's food bowl. Then I told Sunny it was bedtime, night- night, sleepy -time and he went right back in like a good boy!!
I grabbed a couple milk bones and rawhide strips an and went out to see Raven and Hercules.. they were real happy to see me!.. gave them fresh water and a little food in their bowls.. Raven ate right away. Hercules was much more interested in the rawhide! Hercules finally decided to eat (after Raven ate almost everything so I gave Hercules some food). Raven started eating her rawhide and running allover the yard!! she was really excited!! she got me with her tail ! wow its stung!!! strong girl!!
Came back in and covered up Roxy and Sunny and told them goodnight and shut the blinds in the kitchen.
I will be back in the morning.
I forgot my camera!! I will bring it in the morning and get those pictures!!!! :)

Autreys Girls 3/27/08

The girls made me so proud and happy yesterday.. they were just extraordinarily HAPPY!! Tails were waggin, everyone just seemed to be in a great mood. Everyone was very good for laptime!!. we played! we cuddled ! we were patient!! Abby gave me kisses!! abby was patient!! Maggies tail was just waggin! cait was the biggest sweetest love bug!! daisy just sweet as pie ALL of them were just awesome!! I never have a problem with any of them but today just seemed to be a bit different... I didn't have to call anyone twice and everyone was just REALLY good! I hated to leave them!! If I didn't have a chiro visit I would have stayed longer!!
we did the usual spent a little extra time outside with it being so nice and warm out.. did a little tag and they just follow me like I am mother hen or something its too cute!!
anyway!! have a great weekend !!
I will be back Tuesday!!

Charlie Zini 3/27/08

Charlie was in a great mood yesterday! he was awake in his crate when I got there.. he came out when he saw me and we went on our walk.. He urinated a lot and he BM'ed also..
when we got home we went outside in the yard to enjoy the weather.. I think he liked the wind blowing in his face he just let it blow his ears!! he walked around a little and urinated again and then sat down and started grooming himself.
came inside and did some rolling and belly rubbin... he came and just sat close to me and I just rubbed his head and stroked his back... he seemed very content :)
he eventually just went in the bedroom and started eating his treats and it was almost time for me to go... so I put up the gate and went on my way... He was just fine...
I cleaned up his legs and belly too (as usual)

have a good weekend Tina!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Charlie and Autrey Girls 3/27/08

I am in in a lot of pain tonight. My hands hurt too much to type. I will post the blogs tomorrow

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Autrey Girls 3/25/08

Long weekend !! Missed my girls!!! Everyone was happy!! me too ! I miss them after a few days!! we all went outside and enjoyed the beautiful day!! everyone pottied and came running back to me!! we came in and had a little bit of treat and started laptime... cait just loves it and makes sure thats she first.. daisy is not in love with that... She waits patiently I usually rub her head while I am lovin on Cait. Maggie is a fast one too. Leaving the little ones last! Daisy knows its worth the wait cuz I am gonna love her to death!! Abby as usual, is miss antsy pants, gets up there and then can't hold still!! LOL she is getting better though!! we always have a great time...
then we all went back out... funny if I am not following them they stand right by me.. I decided to sit by the grill and let them run and play. They just sat on the ground and waited for me to do something LOL so I walked around the yard with them and ran back and forth a little bit! they like that! LOL love my girls!!
back in the house and a little treat for everyone and they went right into their crates like good girls!!!
be back on Thursday!!!

Charlie Zini 3/25/08

Sorry I am late posting... long day yesterday!!
Charlie was alseep on his little bed when I came in..I woke him up and he strectched out and got himself together and we went on our walk!.. he was really fascinated with a truck and a motorcycle that were parked in driveways!! did a lot of urinating... we came home and it was so nice we went out in the yard and I let him soak up some sun.. He urinated some more and he BM'ed too Good Boy!!
came inside and we played on the mat awhile.. he was just rollin and I was just rubbin his belly and his head he was so happy!! very happy baby!!!
when I had to go I gave him a treat (broken in half ) and led him to the bedroom he started eating so I gave him a smooch and told him I would see him later!!

be back Thursday!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Long Dogs more pics

Long Dogs 3/23/08 8AM Final Visit

Girls were great this morning.. let them out and they all did their thing... Came in and played and Shasta and SAddie wrestled over a chewy..Babygirl finally stoof=d her ground over her chewy (got it back).. they were all keeping busy and playing... Stayed about 40 minutes.. Addie and Babygirl drank some water and nibbled a little bit...
Fresh water.. Topped Butterfly's bowl. Other bowls were ok..
Took them back outside for a final potty break...
back in and into the crates for Addie and Babygirl.. Babygirl went in a lot easier today...Good girl!!. There were no messes in the crates except for the first day with Addie... everyone was great and it was a pleasure to care for them in your absence!!!
If you ever need me to watch them again, please let me know!!!


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Long Dogs 3/22/08 9PM

Girls were happy to see me tonight!! we all went out and the girls pottied. sat outside for a little bit... then went inside and everyone was chewing their chewy bones. I gave them each a treat. Shasta finished hers first so she then wanted Addies and Babygirls, so I kept her occupied while they finished theirs....she loved me to death!!!
Brought my nail clippers and my grinder and did everyones nails. Shasta was a breeze didn't fight me at all and came right to me for it.. Addie kicked and fought me the whole timeLOL and Babygirl was easy as pie too she knows the routine too :) Addie let me use the grinder a little bit on her front paws...a little.... LOL
all food bowls are the doodoos out of Butterfly's cat box..
Babygirl did not want back in the crate tonight... it may be the openess of the wire crate it may be crating in general...I don't know... anyway she has a little more room to move...your call :)
everyoe was great it has been a real pleasure watching them!!
I will be back in the morning :)

Long Dogs Pics 3/22/08

Sam Pics

Long Dogs 3/22/08 5pm

Pop in visit.. I was on my way to a house sit and checked in with the girls, just came in and let them all out. Let Babygirl and Addie out to stretch...
I hope you don't mind....I brought another crate for Babygirl and maybe you can use the crate Babygirl is using for Addie . They just seem so small for them! I brought one for Babygirl thats a little taller and a little bit longer..she can stand up better in in and a little more room to move.. She has been going outside and not once in the crate... Its a wire crate and you are welcome to have it... It looks like Addie is outgrowing that little one too!
anyway I hope you don't mind me making the change.. if you do I apologize...
Mail is in and I will be back around 9pm to let them out and stay for 45 minutes or so with them..
everyone is doing fine! playing and eating and pooping and doing dog stuff!!

Long Dogs 3/22/08 mid-day

since I came a little later this morning to let the kids out to play outsdie I came a little later this afternoon. 2pm.
let everyone out... we actually stayed outside for awhile.. Then we came back in and Addie and Babygirl nibbled on some food and water. everyone was playing with toys (babygirl) or chewies (shasta and addie) and keeping tyhemselves busy..Babygirl is pretty much glued to my hip when I am there.. Either at my side or on my lap.. Sometimes she ventures off and plays with the others or gets a toy. but comes back to me...
stayed inside awhile...then back outside for awhile again...
I stayed about 50 minutes.... they are doing great.. Butterfly kept to herself this afternoon. Saw her up in the chair... I will be back this evening...
brought back in garbage cans

Long Dogs Morning update

after my other am petsit I ran but the house and let he girls out in the yard while I ran an errand... Let them enjoy the outside for about an hour. Just came home and let them back in and put babygirl and addie back in their crates i will be back this afternoon :)

Sam Egger 3/22/08 10am

Sam greeted me at the door like the sweet proper host he is!!! I fed him and cleaned his box. he accompanied me everywhere!!
I did a house check, and he did vomit is the bedroom , I cleaned that up, and rinsed out the rag and left it to dry over the sink. Sam did supervise me Good Sam!!
I petted Sam in the living room and kitchen . What a loving boy!!
I got some great pictures of Sam I will post !!
He was a very good boy and is anxious to see Mom and Dad!!
have a beautiful Easter!!


Long Dogs 3/22/08 8:30 am

Girls were happy to see me this morning ...Let everyone out. Everyone did their business... Came in and started chewing and playing .babygirl started eating and drinking, and so did Addie.. Butterfly is so sweet she just tags along with everyone!!
Fresh food and water...
I hung out with the girls outside for about 15 minutes while they did their thing then we all went inside and while they played I jsut kind of took turns with Addie and babygirl on my lap.. Shasta was way to busy making sure she knew where all the chewy bones were! Butterfly was up on the table watching the whole scenario!
I let them outside one more time and they did some more "business" LOL
I put them back in their crates because it was still a bit cool this morning
be back later!!!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Long Dogs 3/21/08 9PM

went back to see the girls tonight. Spent almost an hour there. Let them all out. Addie nor Babygirl had eaten or had water since I had been there so I was hand feeding them! LOL once I started they both started eating.. then Babygirl finally had some water... I gave them all new chewy bones and they played musical chewies! after about 1/2 an hour we all went out again and Babygirl finally went of on her own and went potty!!! Yay!!! Addies is a character she is just everywhere!!
we had a good time tonight, everyone was happy!! I brought my husband with, and he was getting loved to death by Shasta!! Babygirl liked him and of course Addie liked him so they were all 3 running back and forth between the 2 of us... Butterfly was on the table most of the time , just watching, gave her some lovin too!!
Water bowls are fine, refilled food bowls...
Took garbage out to the curb
all is good!!!
be back in the morning!!

Long Dogs 3/21/08 4:20

came by and did a drop in visit to check in on the girls.. let them all out and tried to get them to drink some water and eat.... took babygirl over to the potty spot on the back yard she didn't go.. Addies bedding was clean.. Played with them a little but. petted Butterfly ...brought in mail.. Just a check in... I will be back tonight around 9..


Jax Gomez 3/21/08

Jax is such a good boy!! was very excited to see me but he listened well!! we went outside right away... He urinated then came inside. I gave him fresh water and then his food.. I put the Kong in his food... he didn't want to eat, but brought me his toy... I threw the toy a few times and played with him a few minutes, then tried to get him to eat... Then I called you!
Took Jax on his walk.. He pooped halfway to the school (got it in the bag and put it in the garbage by the school). We then just sort of walked all arounf the school area for half an hour,,, At first Jax started pulling, then I think he realized I wasn't going to let him take ME for a walk and I told him EASY and he started slowing down and walking beside me and I told him Good Boy... It went really well.. He was real happy to get out and smell things and chase the bugs!!
I think the landscapers at the school were scared of him (GOOD)..
well, we came home and I tried to get him to eat... Nope..
let him in the yard again.. He urinated and pooped again and spent a few minutes out there smellin stuff and being a dog...
brought him in and he took the kong out of the food bowl but would not eat his food so I put him back in his crate...
I forgot to put the bowl back up on the counter (oops I am sorry)
The key is on the kitchen table with copies of your signed documents and copies of all my information (certification, insurance and background check).
I had a wonderful time with Jax and we got along great. He listened well and we had no problems at all...
Call me whenever you need me :)

will post some pics I took of Jax

Millie girl

Millie and kitties PICS

Long Dogs (and cat) pics 3/21/08

Long Dogs 3/21/08

Came by this afternoon to see the girls. Everyone was really happy to see me. We all went outside.. Even Butterfly came out and sat on the table and got some fresh air. Babygirl was a shaking little mess. I just held her and she eventually stopped. Poor baby... She kinda held on for dear life! :)
Addie was trying to crawl up my and Shasta was just having a nice relaxing time on her swing..
we went inside for a bit and I was trying to pet all three of the dogs at once I had Babygirl in my arms and Addie on my lap and Shasta behind me on the couch!
Addie did make a mess in her crate, but not on the pad, so I got the poop out and rinsed it out and put back in the pad.
Babygirl doesn't seem so in love with the crate but shes not freakin out either...
I am going to do an extra visit today and tomorrow free of charge just because Babygirl is new to the crate thing and I want to make sure she gets enough "out of crate time" to eat and drink and "out time" .
everyone is doing good. I am going to go back before 5pm and then this evening after 8...

Mallory Cats 3/21/08 Final Visit

Pasha and Chowder were just beautiful this morning, very friendly and followed me allover.....probably because they were bad kitties and got into the treats again.... I left the bag so you can see what they did to it... I guess I should have put the bag in a different spot than where you usually keep them... Didn't know the kitties were so resourceful :)
well, everyone was fed and fresh water.. Cleaned both cat boxes.. Played with the kitties and Chowder let me have her on my lap for a few minutes she was just purring away, then she decided to chase Pasha... I called Pasha to come get some attention before I left but he never came back out..
I enjoyed caring for the kitties in your absence and I hope you will call on me again if you ever need my services!
Thank you!!!

Sam Egger 3/21/08

Sam met me at the door with those beautiful jade eyes!!! we went to food bowl and filled it up. Then I cleaned his box...
I met Sam in the living room and tried to play with him.. Not up for playin... so I just pet him for awhile.. Pet his head and stroke his back and he was nuzzling me. did that for a bit... Then I decided to do a house check to make sure there were no "accidents"...Hose is clear and Sam had moved on to bigger and better things like breakfast!!
be back in the morning!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Millie and the kitties 3/20/08 PM

Millie girl was so sweet when I came in tonight no barking a little whining... gave her the wet food and her dry food and fed Sam and the kitties while she ate... Then we leashed up and went on our walk... she smelled her flowers!!!! she did her thing and headed for home.. Almost left without me, I had to tell her to wait at the corner..
Got home..Did Millies ear treatment.. gave her a carvers treat for being good.. Gave the kitties treats.. met Millie on the floor by the couch and we did our snuggling... Lucky came too!!
Lucky was licking Millies foot and nuzzling Millies head I was so touched, it was so cute. awwwwwwwww! I have pics will post them later.. :) well, we all hung out a bit.. I had to meet a woman for a key, so I had to leave my Millie girl.
Gave Millies half a treat and kissed her head and gave her a hug and told her mom and dad and her kids would be home in the morning
Miss her already!! :(

Autrey Girls 3/20/08

Girls were great today!! Beautiful sunny day!!! they loved it!! let them out and they were so happy!! the kids were playing next door and I think daisy wanted to go there and play with them... Really had to call her to get her in...
everyone in for laptime...Abby was first and wasn't taking lip from anyone!! Cait has become the ultimate love bug!!! shes up there with daisy!! so cute!! maggie was sooooo good waited so good and patiently for her turn I took a picture.. When I did have her on my lap she was so sweet and gentle...didn't kiss me with her teeth!! or lunge!! very good girl!!
everyone was very very good!!!
let them all out again before I left and they all scattered and did their thing! Daisy went back by the kids!! she was really tirn when I called her!! she was a good girl and came when I fgot a little firm with her! :)
all came back and went right into their crates and had a little treat!!!
told them all I loved them and to have a good easter!!! I will see them Tuesday!!

Charlie Zini 3/20/08

Charlie was half asleep in his crate.. I was calling him as I came in so maybe I woke him up as I came in... he was pretty wet.... We went for our walk.. urinated a lot.. NO BM.... Beautiful day.. let him out in the yard for a bit when we came back.. He urinated again..
Back in the house.. Wiped Charlie down with his wipes. On legs and tummy...
then to the mat , Charlie rolled around and got a lot of belly rubbin and love!! I was scratching his back where he is so dry and I think he really liked that :)

spent a little time just petting him and letting him do his thing on the mat. Then lured him into the bedroom with a treat!!

Mallory Cats 3/20/08

Pasha and Chowder have found a way to get up to the shelf and get the treats down..... They got another bag of treats... They are jumping on the litter box and onto the trash compactor... I hid what was left of the treats behind the cans of food.. Hopefully they will not be able to get to them..
Fed the kitties their dry food... They seem to not like the brown pieces... :( gave them fresh water and cleaned both litter boxes...
Played with the kitties with the stick/feather toy and gave pasha some petting...chowder didn't want to be coddled.....

alternated lights

Millie and the kitties 3/20/08 AM

Runnin a little late this morning got to the house around 9am I am sure Millie was wondering where I was!!! LOL Came and got Millie her treat and leashed up and went on our walk... Very slow walk, shes really diggin those flowers!!! it was a nice morning , nice and sunny!!
came home and fed Millie her dry, gave her fresh water, fed kitties, cleaned cat box, treats for kitties. Noticed kitties had knocked over their water jug, so I refilled that and put it back.. Millie scolded them! :) Millie got her ear treatment like a good girl :) had her treat
Millie and I did our cuddle up routine... that girl is perfect for snugglin!!!
bribed her with a treat when I had to go...kisses and a quick head rub!!!
be back tonight!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Millie and the kitties 3/19/08 PM

Millie was ready for her wet food and walk!!!! gave her food...fed sam and the kitties.. Leashed up Millie and went on our walk....She stopped to smell her flowers ALOT!!!! :)
Came home, did our ear treatment Good girl!! got a treat!!! treats for kitties for watching and supervising so well!!
couched it with Millie!! our routine :) belly rub, head rub, lots of lovin!!!

treat for my goodbye....kisses and told her I would be back first thing in the morning :)

good sweet girl

Mallory Cats 3/19/08

Pasha and Chowder have become very friendly right in time for our time together to end... They are coming right to me and letting me come right to them :)
I fed them and cleaned out both litter boxes and gave them fresh water.
I also discovered that the treat bag had been ripped open and eaten... I don't know how they gor up there and got it, but they did.. I apologize... I guess they won't be getting treats for awhile... Thankfully it wasn't full...
Played stick with the babies awhile and watered the plants a little...
Pasha let me pet him awhile and so did Chowder.
alternated lights

everyones fine!!!

Millie and the kitties 3/19/08 AM

Came to see the clan around 8:30 this morning NO RAIN!!! Millie was happy to get out and get a decent walk!! got in and got her out first thing.... up to the bridge we went.. She is fascinated with the little purple-pink wildflowers growing on the walk.... just sniffin em and all busy with them!!LOL anyway she did her business and was ready to get home for her treat!!

got home had her treat and I fed the kitties, treats for them, cleaned cat box.. Millies favorite thing "ear treatment"!!!! she was great!! gave her 1/2 of the carver treat... then we couched it for 1/2 an hour... I just really enjoy spending time with her and she likes it too. So I have been spending extra time with her....

when I have to go I just tell her wanna treat?? and I give her 1/2 a treat.... then I hate to go :(
well, that time came about 9:45.....I went outside and took Millie with me we saw Holly Millie went and said Hi.... I brought in your tattered st pats hanging (from door that fell)
brought in Millie quick belly rub & kiss on head!!

be back later

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Millie and the kitties 3/18/08 PM

Been Raining alllllll day!! by the time I got back tonight it wasn't pouring so, I brought my umbrella . Fed Millie her wet food and we went for our walk in light rain!! I hate to see her have to potty in the yard.. Well, after going for a walk in the rain she didn't poop :(
Came home. Fed kitties, treats, fed sam. Did ear treatment, gave Millie her dry food. Millie had her treat. Millie was towel dried and we snuggled and watch Seinfeld!!
Before I left I tried to let Millie in the backyard.. She didn't want to go. I hope she is ok throught the night...
I will come a little earlier to get her out on her walk. Love my girl!!
Mail in...

Be back in the morning!!!!

Millie and Me 3/18/09

I spent about 1/2 an hour with Millie snuggling on the couch this morning.. I love snuggling with her... I tried to take a pic with my IPhone... It a cute pic, but it a little blurry. Its of me and Millie so I will treasure it :)

Autrey Girls 3/18/08

Raining like crazy!!!!!! When I got to the house someone had diarrhea on the towel in the kitchen. Removed the "stuff" with paper towels and put it ziplock baggy, in garbage, rinsed out towel, rolled it up..left on counter. Should have put on the washer, forgot,sorry :(
let the girls out (before i cleaned the mess of course) and all but Abby was out doing their thing. Abby tinkled on the mat LOL All finished up and wanted to go inside. Towel dried them and their feet...
we all did laptime and had a treat..
one more run outside...Then I noticed someone had pooped inside during laptime :(
cleaned that up in a ziplock bag! ... everyone was in , cleaned them up and they went in their crates and got their last cookie.,but Cait, of course, had to call her... She came runnin and I dried her off and cleaned off her tummy and paws, she is really good about that :) gave her a treat and told them all to be good and I would see them on thursday!!!
all sweet babies as usual!!!

Charlie Zini 3/18/08

When I came to see Charlie I was soaked just from going from the driveway to the door!! POURING OUT! I don't think we are going for a walk!! I think the wind would blow Charlie right off his little feet!! :)
Came in Charlie was sleeping on the other side of the bed, snug as a bug!! Called his name loud enough to wake him up.. He woke up and made it in to the kitchen kinda bumped into the wall making his turn to go get his water, poor little fella...
Opened the back door. He took one look outside and turned around and went the other way ! haha!! a few minutes later I guess he realized he had to go so he wanted out.. I let him out and grabbed the towel.. He urinated ( a long time) and came back to the door.. He tried to dodge the towel! Smartie!! I had to chase him into the hallway to catch him!! Got him!! Towel dried him .
we went to the mat to do our usual. He was in pretty good spirits!! he didn't have much to itch and scratch today.. I think he didn't know what to do with himself! he did some private grooming...a nd I rubbed his belly and he did some rolling around....
gave him a treat and escorted him back to the bedroom after awhile....more soggy animals to petsit!! :)
See Charlie on Thursday!!

Mallory Cats 3/18/08

Pasha and Chowder came right to me again today let me pet them and were very friendly today. They were probably very happy to see me after the storm!. I assume the were a little scred last night. The rugs were a little astray and the toilet paper in the bathroom was all off the roll in a pile on the floor! threw it away and put on a new roll. LOL
Fed Pasha and Chowder and gave them Fresh water. Scooped out Upstairs and Downstairs litter boxes..
Sat in the front living room with both Pasha and Chowder. Pasha let me rub his head and ears. He was just purring!!! Chowder didn't seem to want any...
of course when I was leaving she wanted some attention... So I have her a little love real quick and headed out.
Alternated lights
will be back in the morning!

Millie and the kitties 3/18/08 AM

Pouring Rain this morning.... got to the house around 8:30... Let Millie in the yard.. She just urinated... gave her her treat and dry food. Fresh water.. Fed kitties, cleaned cat box, treats for kitties..
Snuggled up with Millie on the couch for about 1/2 an hour waiting for the rain to stop... No luck.. But we had a nice relaxing time!!
opened the door she didn't even want to go out there!! gave her half a treat..she went out and back in... so I did her earwash and it was still raining....

went to my other petsit..

came back and it was I grabbed millies leash and we ran out for our walk while we could. made it about halfway to the bridge...she pooped (a little diarrhea) and we headed back... Srated pouring on us!!! we made it right in time!!! at least Millie got to potty!! gave her a half tratr and wiped her off with a towel and left!!
be back tonight!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Millie and the kitties 3/17/08 PM

Wes came with me to see Millie and the kids tonight.. Millie barked at him a little Then again it seems Millie barks at night for that wet food!! Gave her wet food and fed the kitties and Sam while she ate. Then we and went for our walk. We went past the bridge. No poop??? Hmmmm..
we got home gave Millie her dry food (she ate her morning dry good girl) and we did snuggle time first (before ear treatment). After some snuggle time she got up and ate some food... Then got all ansy...
I let her out in the yard and she finished her business!! YAY!!! LOL
Came in started to get ear treatment out and Millie hid.... I called her.."Come on Millie we gotta do this Come on Millie girl" she came out like good girl and let me do it awwwwww gave her a treat for being so good :) lots of kisses and loving for this brave girl!!
when I tried to leave she ran in front of me :( I hate leaving her at night. Gave her a smooch and told her I would be back first thing in the morning :)
Mail was not in box. Mail delivery-person was coming down the street as we were leaving at nearly 7pm!!!!! LOL
get mail in the morning
by the way winds are strong and your umbrella in the backyard has bitten the dust, if you didn't already know! LOL

Mallory Cats 3/17/08

Pasha and Chowder came to me when I walked in this morning. let me pet them right away . :)
fed them, cleaned the cat boxes (upstairs and downstairs). Fresh water.
Realized today was garbage day. Took all the old litter out to the curb. Took bag out of kitchen receptacle and took it out too. replaced liner.
Played with the kitties in the front living room. They seem to like the stick part of the stick toy better than the feather part! we played awhile... I gave them some treats.
Alternated lights
Everyone's doing great!!!!

Millie and the kitties 3/17/08 AM

Came early this morning around 8ish. Gave Millie her treat and we leashed up and went for our walk. We went to the side street past the bridge and back. Sweet Millie did all her business and was ready to go home!!
came home. Fed the kitties, cleaned cat box. gave Millie her dry food and Fresh water. Treats for the cats (by the way found empty torn up treat bag on the floor...MILLIE????) then did Millies ear treatment and gave her a treat for being good!!
met Millie on the couch for snuggle time.. I thought I was going to fall asleep with her!!
we spent a little time on the couch and the kitties were playing...
had to get up and on to another sit..offered a bribe (treat) to Millie and she got up... Told her to take care of the kids while I was gone and I will see her later!! kisses on her head! Big hug!!
be back tonight

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Millie and the kitties 3/16/08 PM

Millie was extremely excited when I got there. Either she REALLY wanted that wet food or she REALLY wanted to go out!! LOL she ate first and then we went out! :) went past the bridge to the side street and back. Ran into a little dog on the way...Millie could care less, she knew she had a treat waiting at home ...good girl!
got home Millie had her treat. Fed kitties. Fed Sam. Gave Kitties treats... Times for Millies ear treatment.. Took it like a soldier!! good girl gave her a treat!!
met millie on the couch for some lovin time... We just lay down together and I held her and rubbed her head and feet and her tummy and talked to her.. The kids (kittens) were wrestlin again... Millie was lickin my hand awwwwwww LOL she is the sweetest girl :)
after awhile I asked her if she wanted a treat (this girls gonna get fat from me) I gave her 1/2 a treat.. Kissed her on her head and told her I would be back for her in the morning... She sat on the stairs as I left :(
I hate saying goodbye... be back in the AM

Maddie and Cooper Pics 3/16/08