Thursday, January 31, 2008

Millie and the kitties 1/31/08 PM

Back to see the kids tonight.. Millie very happy to see me!! Jumping allover!! LOL she ate all her dry food today!! Fed her wet food and her dry, fed the kitties, fed Sam. Millie finished her wet food and we went on our walk.. Up to the bridge and back!!
came home and had a treat... Hung out on the couch a little bit and snuggled and got lots kisses!!
Millie got up to eat so the cats tried to come over for some attention....not for long...ole Millie came barreling back to her spot and plopped right down next to me!! gave her some hugs and kisses and some petting and then I gave her one more treat
Said good bye to everyone and told them I will be back in the morning no parties!!!

Mail in

Autrey Girls 1/31/08

My babies were all happy to see me and I was happy to see them today!! we all went out and almost blew away!! LOL everyone did their business right away...Cait and maggie spotted a squirrel, they were occupied with that for a bit..Daisy and Abby were with me most of the time!
we all came in for a little piece of jerky treat. Then laptime.. Cait is just the little love bug now!!! she just got up on my lap and let me love her and then she just crawled up my chest and licked me ......awwwwwwww!!! Then Maggie, then of course Abby was going bananas, so I let her up next..she is so afraid she is not going to get her time!! she got up and gets so antsy!! LOL then my angel baby Daisy!! she just lets me hold her any old a baby, on her back, on her butt (sitting up) she just loves being held!! more time out to make sure we have done all our business....
Wiped Cait with pet I didn't put a diaper on her...
everyone was great as usual!!!

Charlie Zini 1/31/08

Charlie was sleeping on his little bed at the foot of the bed when I came. I came in and woke him up and he seemed all happy to see me he stretched and started panting and getting all excited! we went on our walk.. he did all his business.. Tried chasing a sears truck! LOL he pooped and urinated about 4x
Caame home and we lay down on his mat in the living room and I rubbed his ears and face for him ., he really liked that, gave me some kisses!! I rubbed his neck and gave hima little puppy massage... he wanted to go in back so I let him out and he urinated again, then he just hung out on the deck, getting a little sun...
Back in and had a treat....and laid down on his bed
told him to sleep tight and I will see him next week :)

Millie and the kitties 1/31/08 AM

another cold and windy morning!! gave Millie her treat and we went out for our walk.. Ran into a few of Millies buddies on the way.. She sniffed them said "Hi" and continued her walk. WE went to the bridge and back home.
Gave Millie fresh water, her dry food, fed kitties, cleaned litter box. gave kitties treats.
Sat down with Millie for awhile. She is really liking our "alone" time.. We now have a routine!! I am getting all kinds of kisses!!
After our petting time,I groomed Mllie a little .. Cleanedher ears, trimmed her ears, trimmed around her face and head, her paws and tried to clean up her pads a little..
used dust buster to clean up hair... The cats were mesmerized by the whole idea!! LOL
gave her a 1/2 treat for being a good girl and brushed her a little :)

be back later

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Millie and the Kitties 1/30/08 PM

Went to see the kids about 6pm tonight. Gave Millie her wet food. She had eaten all her dry food today, so I refilled her dry food and gave her fresh water. While she ate her wet food. I fed the kitties and Sam.
Millie and I went on our walk.. Up to the bridge and back. Then home and had our treat. Gave kitties treats too.
Met Millie on the couch for loving time! We hung out there a little bit and I told her I was going to bring my grooming stuff tomorrow and do a little clean up...
Gave her 1/2 a treat and some kisses and said goodbye to the kitties
I will be back in the morning!!

Mail in

Millie and the kitties 1/30/08 AM

COLD and windy this morning!!! came early around 8:15 today. gave Millie her treat and we went for our walk, all the way to the bridge and back.. Got home and gave Millie her dry food..
Fed the cats and gave them some treats..everyone was up this morning :) cleaned cat box..
Millie and I sat on the couch and did our snugglin time...she really likes that!! just belly rubbin and massaging and head rubbin...I get kisses and everything!!
gave Millie half a treat and told her I would be back tonight
all is good at the Parrill-Kocian house!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Millie and the kitties 1/29/08 PM

Millie was very happy to see me tonight!! ALL the kitties were out tonight too. Gave Millie her wet food and we went on our walk... Half way to the bridge and back!...Came home and filled her bowl with her dry food and gave her fresh water. fed the cats and Sam...
Millie and I did our new routine of laying on the floor snuggling!! we also got up on the couch and I pet her up there... The older cat got up there when Millie went to eat soem dry food and when Millie came back she sort of lay on top of me so I wouldn't pet the cat anymore! LOL
gave Millie another treat before I left... She ate all her dry food before I left! good girl!!!
Kitties had their treats! and everyone is happy!!
I will be back in the morning

P.S. I am getting some kisses from Millie-dog!!! LOL :)

Mail in

Autrey Girls 1/29/08

Ladies were rarin to go when I got there!! let them all out and I was afraid they would all blow away!! LOL I think they kinda liked the wind! they all did their business and came runnin to the deck (where I waited!) and wecame in and had a small treat..
we did some laptime.. Put caits pants on her while she was in the house... did some lovin on everyone and I think they wanted out again..
I took Cait pants off her and let them out again.. they all went back out and finished their business..ran around for awhile...
Came back in..caits pants back on! a little more lovin and into the crates.. Gave them each a treat for being such sweet baby girls!!
told them to be sweet and I will see them on Thursday!!

Charlie Zini 1/29/08

Charlie was sleeping next to the bed upon my arrival.. I woke him up and he took a nice long stretch!! we went for our walk up to the stop sign.. he urinated about 4x and he pooped for me too (I brought a target back off the pantry door). Came in a did a little lovin on his mat in the living room. gave hima little doggy massage. he really liked it. gave me some kisses..
Spent some time just hanging out...
tried to let him out in back before I left. He laid down on the deck and just rolled around! LOL so I let him in and he went in the bedroom and lay down so I gave him a treat and pet hima bit more and let him go back to sleep :)
be back Thursday :)

Millie and the kitties 1/29/08 AM

Got to the house around 8:45 this morning. Gave Millie her treat and leashed up for our walk.. Went for our walk, came home, and had our breakfast (she almost ate all her dry last night). Gave Millie her dry food, fed Cats and cleaned litter box.
Waited on the floor for Millie and she came a runnin...I think she likes this new routine!!
she gave me some kisses and she was just grunting she was enjoying it so much.. I gave her a doggy massage and belly rubbin!!
Then the cats started getting into stuff so she got up and got on them to be quiet and jumped on the couch.. I got up on the couch with her and pet her some more and then the cats got inthe basket and made more noise and she started barking at em!! it was sooo funny!!
I pet her a little more and gave her 1/2 a treat..gave her kisses and told her I would be back tonight!! bye bye to all the fur babies!!!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Millie and the kitties 1/28/08 PM

Saw Millie and the kitties about 6pm tonight. Millie had her wet food. While she ate, I filled her dry food bowl (she ate all her dry today good girl) and I fed the kitties and Sam. Fresh water for Millie. After she ate, we went on our walk.. Same routine, about halfway to the bridge, she sort of walked up to my side and stopped.. I asked her if she wanted to go home and she started going towards home... Smart Millie-dog :)
Got home. Millie had her treat. Gave treats to the kitties (on counter)...
I went to the living room and sat on the floor and called Millie..She came running to me and we did some belly rubbing and some just laying on the floor petting her.. She loved it... When the cats came close she pawed them away... She didn't wanna share her attention!! TOO CUTE!!
So, we hung out on the floor and she laid on top of my once and we had a nice time "bonding"..
I think we will do more of that... Spend a little more time with ole Millie girl :)
Mail is in...everything is fine!!
Be back in the morning

Millie and the kitties 1/28/08 AM

Came to see the Clan at 8:30 this morning. Gave Millie her treat and we leashed up and went for our walk.. We went halfway to the bridge and came home. Topped her food bowl with an scoop (she had some leftover from las night).
Fed kitties and cleaned litter box. Gave kitties some treats
Did some petting and told the kids I would be back later..
sorry for the short post..not very eventful this morning :)

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Millies and Kitties pics 1/27/08

Millie and the kitties 1/27/08 PM

Saw Millie around 5:45 today..She had her wet food and we went on our walk. We made it just about a halfway to the bridge.. Came home, Millie wanted to get home and get her treat!! I asked her and her tail was just going crazy!! I assumed that is a YES!
Got home.. Gave Millie her treat..
Fed Kitties and Sam..Treats to the kitties..Played with them a little and Millie too..
Tried to take some pictures of me and Millie, neither one of us hold still for a pic!!
I will get them posted soon :)
Millie got some belly rubbin and head rubbin and I told he I will clean up her face and paws again... Maybe get her nails done... If I had the energy I would groom her :(
well, she and the kitties are doing fine!
I will back tomorrow morning :)

Peacocks over by Millies house 1/27/08

These are the peacocks that live over by the old "Fannin Farm "area. It was pretty foggy this morning , but I managed to get pictures of them standing on Mailboxes!!

Millie and the kitties 1/27/08 AM

Came to see Millie at 8:45 this morning... Had her treat. We left for our walk. We decided not to walk a mile today :)... we went about halfway to he bridge and Millie wanted to go home. We came home and had another treat..Gave her fresh water. Her dry food was still there from last night.
Fed kitties.. Cleaned litter box.
Got on the floor with Millie for some petting time, she was enjoying her belly and head rub!!
Put the toothbrush in the mailbox..
Told Millie girl I would be back for her tonight :)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Millie and the kitties 1/26/08 PM

Saw Millie around 5:45. Gave her wet food and fed the kitties and Sam. Milie and I then ventured out the door for our walk.... and we walked and we walked! I decided to let Millie lead the way.... I guess she thought I knew where I was going.. We ended up at Parkside and Hardisty before I knew where I was! LOL Millie's tail was waggin the whole time!! she sniffed and tinkled everywhere... We finally made it home! she ran for the door and right to her water bowl!! I gave her a treat and said Hi to the kitties and left.
Mail is in.
Will clean cat box tomorrow and put toothbrush in mailbox :)
Millie was great, I think she enjoyed her LONG walk... She will be sleeping like a baby :)
Til Tomorrow!!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Autrey Girls 1/24/08

Daisy met me at the door, very happy to see me! jsut wanted to get up and kiss me!
Took off Caits big girl pants, she had urinated in them too, poor girl.. Let everyone out to do their business.. Cait had a chewy stick and was just allover the yard, going solo! girls did their thing, they all came in except Cait.. All had a bit of chix strip. I figured I'd give her a couple minutes of outside time while I got her pants ready... Changed her liner, but the pants were still wet.. Had no choice but to put them back on her when she came back in.. I did wipe her off with the pup wipes.She had her bit of chix strip too :) She is bleeding kinda heavy for a little girl :( she was great, gave me no problem getting her pants on her.
did a little laptime today.. I didn't feel real good and I think the girls knew it too.. Poor daisy is always ready to be on my lap, so is maggie, but today we sort of played on the floor. Abby is just Abby!! LOL
all girls were great as usual. gave them a cookie when they went in their crates like good girls.
Told them to be good girls and I will see them Tuesday!!
Have a great weekend!

Charlie Zini 1/24/08

When I arrived Charlie was in the closet sleeping :)

woke him up and we went on our walk.. He urinated about 4x and then had a nice (pretty solid) poop right in front of his own house! good boy! picked that up and double bagged it... Came in and went to Charlies pad in the living room, did alot of neck and ear and head rubbing :) his little tail was just wagging :)

He has a little pee spot when he got up front the closet, so I used the spot cleaner and some paper towels and cleaned it up...also on the small area rug in the closet...

Charlie did his itching and scratching and had a treat...

very good boy!! seems to be doing very well!!

see ya Tuesday :)

1/24/08 charlie and autrey girls

I have pet sit Charlie and the Autrey girls today.. I am not feeling well today.. I will post full blogs on both later


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Autrey Girls 1/22/08

Ladies were happy to see me!! heard them before I could get the key in the door! let them out in the yard and they all did some business! Kinda cold so we cut the outside time short! came in had a small piece of dark brown jerky treat each. Sat on the couch for laptime.. I got swarmed! had to break out the chain, everyone was a little out of control.. Maggie was a good girl.. sat down and behaved.. I was actually trying to wipe feet too :) Cait got right up in my lap first but not for long... I think she saw a leaf blow by the door! LOL Abby next.. as usual Daisy was goin nuts waiting! abby afraid she was going to miss something got down and Daisy was up. Meanwhile Maggie is still being a good girl, waiting impatiently LOL... she had enough and dive bombed me with a kiss to the face!! smothered me! LOL so poor Daisy had to get down.. I had to give Maggie some lovin for being patient for so long... although as soon as I calmed her down she was gone :)
Out once again to finish up..Cait running as fast as she can!! LOL back in for a some treat crumbs :( I gave them enough to be equivalent to a treat..
all sweet babies em all!! see them Thursday

Charlie Zini 1/22/08

Charlie was sleeping on the rug next to the bed upon my arrival... we went outside for our walk to the stop sign. He urinated 3x and pooped once on our walk. Stool was pretty loose still.
On our way home we crossed paths and Charlie and I had run into each other. He seems fine. When we got home I was sure to rub everything down to make sure he didn't get hurt. He seemed just fine. Wiped off his legs and butt with a wipe and disposed of his little "gift".
Charlie did his rolling and scratching and licking! I did some head rubbin and a little puppy massage on his neck and back (very softly just petting him) and he wass just a happy little guy with his little tail wagging!!.
before I left we went out to the backyard he did a little sniffing and urinated one more time. Followed me back into the bedroom and ate his treats!!
Good boy!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Autrey girls new pics 1/17/08

Autrey Girls 1/17/08

My girls were raring to go when I got there!! All excited to go out and play!! we went out right away. Cait with her eyes wide open looking for something to chase and Daisy and Abby looking for lovin right away!! Maggie, what a girl! just so obedient and sweet just comes to me with her little head turning side to side when I talk, like she understands what I am saying! the girls did some pottying and ran around a little.. went back inside for a bit of chicken treat and "lap-time", this time Abby jumped up first!! guess what nobody would let her have her time in peace!! the chain was doing nothing.. everyone wanted lovin at once Daisy was chompin at the bit, Maggie was on one side Cait on the other and Abby was not happy!! LOL poor abby just wanted her quiet laptime!! well, she got her laptime just not very peaceful! then Maggie, then Cait , last but not least my baby Daisy!! what an angel... she just loves to love!! Maggie just loves it too. Cait has other fish to fry usually!

we all went back out and finished our business. back in, had a little treat and in the crates. Told each of them I love them Maggies ears perked and Caits too (awwww) told them to be good girls and I will see them Tuesday!

Charlie Zini 1/17/08

Charlie was just too good today!! Took him for a nice short walk.. Lets say he took me for a nice short walk. We went to the stop sign, he urinated about 5x. He went straight to the house, good boy. We got home and he did a little wandering and then started his licking . cleaning, scratching time.. I just sat beside him and rubbed his head and shoulders and just kept him company.. Let him out in back for a final potty. I stayed out with him. He did a horse-shoe around the yard. Straining a little (rear legs shaking ) and had some loose stool. Came back to me by the door, we went inside and went into the bedroom and I gave him a treat and a little more petting and told him I would see him on Tuesday :)
He seemed just fine! didn't seem disoriented, seemed very happy and energetic :) glad to have you back Charlie!! :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Waggin Train Chicken Jerky Treats Warning

I just feel like I need to post a warning here. I think these jerky treats are poison for our pets.. Maybe in real small doses. but I have thrown mine away. I abused them with my dogs and I am now paying the price...
My dog Rocky has been urinating around the house for awhile and I thought it was a behavior issue.. I was a bit worried so I took him to the vet about a month ago. His urine showed 30 times the normal amount of protein... dr thought maybe a little infection , put him on antiobiotics for 2 weeks, he seemed ok, then it started again.... I brought him back did another urinalysis and again. 30 times the normal amount of protein in his urine, plus some bile and his bilirubin excessive (signs of liver disease) they tested his liver and thankfully it was ok. dr asked what I am feeding him.. we couldn't hink what it could be.. I came home and started checking everything.. THEN I saw it.. The Chicken jerky treats 70% crude protein. Most treats are 4%-25%...this stuff is too high in protein when added to a high protein dog food in my opinion. I like to reward my dogs with treats, but this is not the treat I will reward them with anymore.
My other dog gained 6 pounds and became very lethargic... Both of my dogs are only 3 years old. After 2 days off the jerky treats I can see his energy coming back... I am hoping after this round of antiobiotics and being off the jerky treats, Rocky will have a full recovery with no permanent damage done.
There is a link I have read if you'd like to check it out:

Thanks for reading and hope to have educated someone :) please don't take this as a "scare". I
overdid it with the chicken treats. I think its all in moderation... I just want all to be aware of what has happened with my little guy

Autrey Girls 1/15/08

Long weekend...happy to see my girls today!! I think they were happy to see me too :)
we all went out, spent a lot of time outside today, beautiful day.... back in for laptime and a little bit of chicken treat.. Maggie was first for laptime, follwed by Cait,Daisy, then Abby.. Abby barking and hollering and anyone trying to get at her laptime! LOL too funny! Daisy back up again..she can never get enough loving!! The girls found my coat on the coat and decided it would be a good time to sniff it out (probably smelled my dogs and others too), had to tell them "NO" and put the coat up... we went back outside and they were having fun running and smelling stuff and getting in the leaves.. Heard some sirens and some others dogs barking, had a good time!!! LOL
back in had a little crunchy treat when they got in their crates.. All sweet, loving, adorable, fuzzy angels as usual!! see them on Thursday!!

Get well Charlie 1/15/08

Poor Charlie is under the weather today :( get better Charlie :)
I will see him tomorrow :)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Autrey Girls 1/10/08

Two sweet little furbabies met me at the door today!!!LOL I let Maggie and Cait out of the kitchen and it looked as if someone had a little accident . I went ahead and let them outside and they all did their thing. pooping,peeing everything!! LOL then ran allover it was a nice day!
especially Cait, shes always wired!! :) came in and wiped up the urine and then used a antibacterial wipe on the floor too.. Gave them each 1/4 chicken strip. Had our laptime..maggie likes to be first now.. Found her sweet spot on her chest right over her left arm/shoulder(my right) she just shakes her leg!! LOL Cait saw something in the yard so everyone wanted out I let them go out and daisy and I kinda sat on the ottoman doing laptime for a couple minutes before we joined them... That girl is one fuzzy love bug!! and abby is too...don't mess with abbys laptime, she gets all fiesty!! LOL to their crates with a treat... :)
the girls were great as usual!! all sweet and loving!! I will see the babies on Tuesday! have a great weekend!

Charlie Zini 1/10/08

Charlie was sound asleep when I arrived. Woke him up calling his name he got up and looked everywhere but where I was, it was cute.. He got up and did a little scracthing and stretching and went outside. Did his business and came back in..Wiped him off with his wipes.. Played on the floor, between his scratching sessions! did some belly rubbing and chest rubs, he liked that, got his legs going! he was chewing a lot on his paws... threw his soccer ball and he played with it for about 10 seconds, not too interested, liked rolling around and scratching and rubbing, so thats what we did.. Drank plenty of water and went out again. Back in for more of the same and as usual, one last time outside before I leave he then BM'ed and came in, I wiped him off again and played a little bit more, then into the kitchen. Gave him a treat. I was sure to lock everything up today :)
Charlie was a good boy :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Autrey Girls 1/8/08

Missed my girls over the weekend!! Daisy met me at the door on her hind legs!! The other 3 were goin bananas in the kitchen and Daisy was all composed just happy as could be! LOL
Let the others out of the kitchen and we all went outside, got lots of puppy lovin!! everyone did their business and we went back inside for laptime... Cait had a chewy that everyone wanted... and she knew it! Girls took turns on my lap.. Maggie is just so good now, listens so well.. I tell her no and to calm down and she does goooood girl!!! likes the belly rubbin!! Cait was too busy with that chewy to get her laptime today...I just gave her some lovin on the floor.... had their chicken bites and we went back outside again..They all finished their business and we played the back and forth game (I run from one side of the yard to the next) they seem to like that.... Its silly but they get all excited and their tails just wag!! brought them in and gave them their treats when the got in their crates like good girls!! told them each good bye and I'd see them on thursday!! all good girls as usual!!

P.S. someone has some stinky gas!! LOL those chicken strips make my dogs stinky poots too :)

Charlie Zini 1/8/08 First Visit

Saw Charlie a little before 12 today! Visit went GREAT!! he didn't hear me come in but he heard me move the gate.. He got up and came to me and he went outside. When he came back in I wiped him off with one of the wipes... He had a small spot on his dog bed, but I think it was drool not urine (it didn't smell like urine). He drank some water and had a cookie. Then we went into the living room and he scrached and got A LOT of back and belly and head rubbin!!!

I pretty much laid on the floor with him and just loved on him while I was there.. He got up and roamed the house a few time and drank a lot of water.. I let hi out again and he pooped and urinated again.. Back inside I called hi and motioned for him to come to me and he just came right over and started rolling on the floor and let me rub his tummy! I took a lot of pics of him I am posting a few of them... I let him out one more time before I left.. I did wipe him each time he came in because he seemed to be doing a little "dripping".. I hope thats ok to use those wipes all the time.. If you like I can just use some tissue ... Just let me know! he also looked like he was having a hard time BM-ing.. Besdies all that I think he enjoyed having me with him I had a great time!! It was a pleasure! I will see Charlie on Thursday!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

pics of Autrey girls 1/3/08

Autrey Girls 1/3/08

Happy New Year!! Missed my girls! I think they werre pretty happy to see me today too!! Daisy met me at the door. Let the others out and they were allover me! let them outside and I really had to walk them out to the grass they were all so happy to see me!! makes ya feel all warm and fuzzy! they all did a little business then we went back inside.
had a 1/4 chicken strip each. Then lap time. Maggie was first, then Cait.. Cait is so soft now!!!
she really likes to get her lovin time!!! Daisy was next (she was at my feet waiting her turn the whole time) she just lets me hold her in my arms like a baby, gets a little belly rub, and a back rub.. I think she loves any kind of rub!! then it was Abbys turn, she likes a hip and back and belly rub!!! LOL she would love massages!!! Maggie came up for more!!
went back outside and the girls finished their business did a little runnin around.
back in and had a treat, into crates....
told them all I love them and I will see them Tuesday!!! great girls!!! I took some pics will post them after I DL them :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I wish you all a great 2008!! Hopefully, this year I won't be as sick and I will be able to take care of business!! I am seeing some new doctors and hopefully this new approach will get me on the way to feeling better! at least with spring around the corner and warmer weather ahead, that will help :)
I appreciate you all and I hope you all know me by now and know I would do anything for you. All you have to do is ask. If I am able to do it , I will!

I wish all the best for you in the year ahead!!

Thank you for everything


Millie and the Kitties 1/1/08 Final Visit

Happy New Year!!! Well, no REAL eveidence of a wild party. A rug all scrunched up and some treats on the floor, must have been a little bit of a party going on there last night! LOL
Millie met me at the door at 8:45 this morning! Had her treat and out the door we went. 30 something degrees nice brisk walk! LOL all the way to the bridge! she did all her business and had a nice spring in her step today!
we got home, topped all the food bowls, fresh water for Millie. Another treat for Millie and treatrs for the kitties. Fed the fish.
Cleaned what I could of the kitty box. There are 2 target bags in the garage by the cat litter...they are dookie bags!! throw them out! LOL
Sat down with Millie and gave her a little brushing. Picked up the cats...under Millies supervision, of course, and petted them!
Everyone was sweet as pie and fed and waterd and seem fine!! waiting for mom and dad and their kids!!

Happy New year!!!