Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bones Cross

I saw Bones early today around 12:30... He came right to me when I called him! awwww!!
I brought him a corrugated cardboard cat scratcher... HE LOVES IT!! it helps that theres catnip in it! he was scratching on it and nuzzling it and laying on it!! LOL didn't even seem interested in treats!!
while Bones was enjoying his new toy. I cleaned cat box and dumped it in outside trash can. gave him fresh water from fridge and topped his food bowl.. he had eaten all but about 1/4 of what was in the bowl..
I sat on the couch and tried to give Bones some lovin...tht lasted about 5 minutes...back to the scratcher he went. he had cardboard stuff allover him!!
The leather chair is also covered..just in case.. He seems just fine!! Im happy he came right out to me when I got there!!! good boy!!!
I will post picturesa little later. Just got in from shopping, after I saw Bones!! a little tired. I will download the camera and post the pics :)

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