Friday, September 18, 2009

Souza Cats PM

Saw the kids around 7:30 tonight.. Had to find DJ to give him his pill (1/4), he was upstairs on the little end table in the loft area! I gave him his pill, then I held him and gave him kisses, he seemed happy to be loved on!
Sophie was there when I came in , but I couldnt find her later...
Troy, sweet baby!! he was in the living room, I gave him some attention, then I topped the food, fresh water from fridge and litter boxes... OK I had to change the littermate.. LOL I think I got it on right, its turning!! LOL but it seems to want to slant, took old littermate bag, put it in a plastic bag and into garbage in garage...
went back to say goodbye to the babies and Troy was mushin allover a stuffed animal!! he looked so funny!! all that cat on top of that stuffed animal ! I was crackin up!!
I will post a pic of that!!
everyone is doing just fine, eating and drinking and poopin!!
Ill be back in the morning!

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