Friday, May 15, 2009

Souza Cats 5/15/09

Arrived at the house around 5pm today. Sophie was right at the door! the welcoming committee!
Topped food bowls, fresh water and litter box cleaned. DJ had his pill, (when I found him sleeping in your bed on your pillow). Mail in...
Sophie is turning out to be quite the love bug, next to DJ.. DJ will let me love allover him!!
Sophie is letting me pet her and run her head and backa nd she seems like she likes it! LOL
Troy is just like you said, very cautious, always on guard.. Troy came to me a few times let me pet her and then would go eat or go back to her spot under Zoes chair or the couch.
They are all 3 doing great!!! no great action to tell.. just being kitties!! Oh I did find a little dookie in your room when I went to give DJ his pill...thats something to write home about!
LOL til tomorrow!!

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