Saturday, May 16, 2009

Souza Cats 5/16/09

I got to the house around 7:45 tonight. Troy was the first to come say hi, followed by Sophie..
Troy is soooo soft!!LOL gave them some loving time then I did my work (cleaned box, fresh water and food)
then in search of DJ. I had been callin him, so I guess I woke him up. He was on the landing by your room, stretchin out!! happy kitty. Got his pill like a good kitty and then I spent a little time with him rubbing his head and ears he was in heaven!!
Found another dookie (are you eating??) this was a little diarrhea :( I cleaned it up with the stain remover under the sink.. Great color choice with the carpet Amy, can't see a thing!
Nobody really seemed up for playing...Troy was eating when I left.. DJ never left the spot upstairs and Sophie was somewhere else...When I was writing my visit notes Sophie did come up on the table and gave me a kiss! awwwwww! they are all great kitties!!!
til tomorrow!! have a great day!! HI ZOE!!!!

1 comment:

amysouza2006 said...

Geez! I wonder what's up with the pooping! Perhaps a mutiny!! Thanks for taking such good care of our babies!!! Tell them Daddy will be home tomorrow afternoon!! :)