Friday, December 28, 2007

Hassler Cats 12/28/07

Came to see the kitties around 10am today. Too early for the mail..Will bring it in tomorrow. Raced the kitties to the food bowls! Washed water bowl and gave them fresh water. Let them eat and then we did our petting time... Doodle is a little love bug!! he was enjoying himself so much he got "over stimulated" had himself all wrapped around my arm and then started love biting me! LOL I figured it was treat time then.. Got up gave some treats. Brushed Isis, gave her some petting time. Left some treats under the bed for Pickles... Doodle has a little irritation on her lower abdomen, just a little red.. I am keeping an eye on it.. Looks like the stuff I was told about.. If it looks any worse I will take him isn't bad just irritated... Good kitties!!!

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