Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Autrey Girls 2/19/08

Miss Daisy met me at the door!! Tail waggin!! after I turned off alarm she wanted kisses so I gave her a little quick pat on the head and got her sisters.. WE all went out and everyone did their thing outside... Abby grabbed a chewy on her way out... we were out for awhile talking to the neighbor dog and sniffin the air..checkin out the sights!
Came in had a little square treat from counter...on to couch for laptime....everyone had their turn....Daisy almost fell asleep on her back she was so comfortable...her little eyes would just close, then she would open them real fast and lean up LOL Caitcait is just a little lovebug too she could just sit up on my chest all day if I let her she is very affectionate.....Abby was way to into her chewy to get into laptime...she was up for a few minutes then just sat on a pillow and ate her chewy so Maggie came up.. Poor Maggie just can't help but get so happy on my lap..I hate saying no all the time but she just does those Power lunge-kisses!! got me right in the mouth today OW! try to get her to sit ad she will for like 20 seconds so I try to hold her, but I don't want to restrain her we are workin on it!! LOL sweet baby!!
They are all sweet babies and I love every minute of it!!

We went back outside for one more "potty-run" and then we came in and had a carrot treat I brought for them and told them all to be good girls and I loved them I will be back Thursday!!

They were all good as usual!!

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