Thursday, February 28, 2008

Autrey Girls 2/28/08

Maggie met me at the door! escorted me to the alarm box! sweet girl!! let all the girls out... they all did their business and enjoyed the beautiful yet windy weather! came in for a treat and laptime!!
well, laptime you already know that story! everyone had a turn.. I was able to brush everyone too..
while we were outside, I noticed Maggie's right rear leg had a bit of a limp.. I check her pads and there was nothing in there.. In the house I check her dew claw and it seemed that it may be starting to touch her pad when she is walking... If you like I will come by and use the grinder or a clipper to fix that ..
anyway, everyone was a sweet as pie as usual!! we went back out and ran back and forth and tried to get a little fresh air and enjoy the day as much as we could!
all went into their crates like good girls!!!
told them to be good girls and I will see them on Tuesday!!

let me know if you want me to come by!!

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