Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Autrey Girls 2/26/08

Girls were great today!!! Abby and Daisy gave me a great hello when I came in!! as well as Maggie and cait!!! let them all out and they all did their business and came back to me to go inside.. Gave them a little piece of chicken jerky each.
Then to the couch for laptime!!! Maggie was there first !!! she is too funny!! she was there and gone so Abby came up but seemed disinterested ...Cait came on up and just loved me to death!! Daisy sat there waiting for her turn so up she came too....she is just my little furry babydoll....
OK while I had daisy on my lap I got tag-teamed by Maggie and Cait!! they got on each side of me and kissed me!!! I was loved to death!!!!! LOL I loved it all!!
well, we got all that under control and went back outside, girls ran around a little and then wanted to go back in.. They went right to their crates...so I gave them each a piece of treat (on table by crates) and told them how good they were and I loved them and I would see them on Thursday!

they are all good sweet babies!!!

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