Thursday, February 7, 2008

Autrey Girls 2/7/08

Maggie met me at the door today!! what a surprise!! let all the girls out...they were enjoying the warm sun!! Cait and Maggie spotted a squirrel! Cait wanted it BAD!
we all came in and had a little square treat from the counter... came in living room and started laptime . Cait was first...SO good!! everyone was sweet and calm today and everyone got their full 5-7 minutes in!! they were all very good girls!!!
we went back out and made sure everyone did all their business..they ran and played some more...
Back inside , gave them treats when they got in their crates...Told them all I loved them and too be good girls!! be back Tuesday!

P.S. there was a small BM in the kitchen on a towel, used a ziplock baggie to throw it in garbage.

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