Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Charlie Zini 3/18/08

When I came to see Charlie I was soaked just from going from the driveway to the door!! POURING OUT! I don't think we are going for a walk!! I think the wind would blow Charlie right off his little feet!! :)
Came in Charlie was sleeping on the other side of the bed, snug as a bug!! Called his name loud enough to wake him up.. He woke up and made it in to the kitchen kinda bumped into the wall making his turn to go get his water, poor little fella...
Opened the back door. He took one look outside and turned around and went the other way ! haha!! a few minutes later I guess he realized he had to go so he wanted out.. I let him out and grabbed the towel.. He urinated ( a long time) and came back to the door.. He tried to dodge the towel! Smartie!! I had to chase him into the hallway to catch him!! Got him!! Towel dried him .
we went to the mat to do our usual. He was in pretty good spirits!! he didn't have much to itch and scratch today.. I think he didn't know what to do with himself! he did some private grooming...a nd I rubbed his belly and he did some rolling around....
gave him a treat and escorted him back to the bedroom after awhile....more soggy animals to petsit!! :)
See Charlie on Thursday!!

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