Saturday, March 29, 2008

Thompson Pets 3/29/08 AM

Sunny was up and ready to be uncovered thios morning!! I uncovered both Sunny and Roxy and gave them fresh water and gave Sunny fresh food. I asked Sunny to step up and he came out and stepped onto my hand, started nippin at my finger so on top of the cage i put him!! LOL I changed only one full bowl, he seemed to have eaten most of the seed out of the other seemed to be half eaten do I dumped half of it and topped it off (as instructed with Life and the seed mixes). Roxy was a good girl, I topped her food off and gave her some life and some fruit and some seed (as instucted).
went out to see Raven and Hercules.. Fed them and gave them a chewies treat and fresh water.. Good babies they were eating right away...
Came back in and talked to Sunny and Roxy a bit! sweet kids! :)
Took some pictures.. I think Roxy is camera shy :)
When I put Sunny back in his cage and said god bye Roxy said byebye to me!!! I was so excited it was so cute!! She said Byebye to me til I shut the door!! awwwww
I spoke with Dr Dittrich's office and it turns out he is excellent with Birds.. So I will leave his card with you!!
I am loving watching your birds!! I thank you for contacting me!! I will be back tonight!
I will post pictures on a separate post

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