Saturday, March 22, 2008

Long Dogs 3/22/08 9PM

Girls were happy to see me tonight!! we all went out and the girls pottied. sat outside for a little bit... then went inside and everyone was chewing their chewy bones. I gave them each a treat. Shasta finished hers first so she then wanted Addies and Babygirls, so I kept her occupied while they finished theirs....she loved me to death!!!
Brought my nail clippers and my grinder and did everyones nails. Shasta was a breeze didn't fight me at all and came right to me for it.. Addie kicked and fought me the whole timeLOL and Babygirl was easy as pie too she knows the routine too :) Addie let me use the grinder a little bit on her front paws...a little.... LOL
all food bowls are the doodoos out of Butterfly's cat box..
Babygirl did not want back in the crate tonight... it may be the openess of the wire crate it may be crating in general...I don't know... anyway she has a little more room to move...your call :)
everyoe was great it has been a real pleasure watching them!!
I will be back in the morning :)

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